ARMADA is a world-class provider of preparedness and protection solutions.
We provide professional services through a very streamlined and effective organizational structure. ARMADA’s 75 employees and over 200 vetted consultants have supported operations throughout the United States as well as over 40 other countries.
Since our founding in 2005, ARMADA has served as a trusted partner to senior decision-makers in numerous industries and market sectors - federal agencies including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of State (DOS), Department of Defense (DOD); state and local governments; non-governmental organizations, healthcare systems; universities and schools; and numerous Fortune 500 companies.
We are proud of our rich history of providing high quality preparedness and protection solutions to our clients.
ARMADA and its team of professionals
provide a wide range of Emergency Management related services that provide all-hazards mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery to your whole community.
ARMADA’s solutions are provided by industry experts in the fields of Emergency Planning utilizing the Emergency Management Standard, exercises designed and developed by Master Exercise Practitioners, and Response and Recovery services provides by individuals with real world experience in response, individual and public assistance, community development block grant and recovery project management.

ARMADA's veteran staff will help you identify threats and your vulnerabilities to those threats that will negatively impact the financial, physical, or human capital of your organization. Through risk assessments, policy and procedure development, training, leveraging security technologies, conducting drills & exercises and helping to respond to critical incidents, our team will help you mitigate risks to your organization.